The art of blogging

I was thinking this morning about what constitutes a good blog! Clearly it has to interest and engage -but who, and how? I have no idea who reads my blog – if anyone…so that makes things challenging! It would be near impossible to write continuously about our archaeological discoveries as things tend to happen very slowly on a research and training excavation! Each day we reveal just that little bit more of our past  history – but it doesn’t always make exciting reading! Likewise, do people really care what I had for breakfast and whether it rained or not on site today? In the end I decided that my particular art of blogging is to sit down at my computer – and see what comes out!

So, here goes.


I was first on site this morning…8am…..

Madly busy day today. In a nutshell, my day:

8am first morning coffee on site. 8.30am meeting with Jen, my assistant. 9am meeting in the marquee with 26 new arrivals. 10am I give a site tour to the new arrivals. 11am I meet with a Professor from University of Colorado in the USA to discuss an exchange of students. 11.30am I give a site tour to people who have been to Silchester before. 12,30pm I give a Health and Safety Briefing to the new arrivals. 1pm lunch. 1.30pm administration duties! 2pm induction for new arrivals. 3pm site meeting with Nick. 3.30pm walk around site with Mike and Nick. 5pm meeting with Heather about staff payments. 5.30pm help Veronica oversee the evening meal. 7pm home to do my e-mails!

Some archaeology news!

The well against the southern baulk is proceeding apace. The shoring is now in place and Rich, Steve and Perry are already excavating original well fills. A quick look at the pottery coming up suggests that this well may actually be Iron Age and NOT early Roman as originally thought. Very exciting.

In Matt’s area, the teams investigating the deposits beneath the streets have been doing a fantastic job – so all praise to Edoardo and Tony – they have shown huge endurance and talent in stifling heat! Exciting news here is that both streets are showing evidence of slumping into what are probably wells beneath the streets – that is, a series of Iron Age wells… a huge amount of potential awaits us!

Work in all other areas proceeds apace, so watch this space!


Looking north from the southern walkway


Trowels in the childrens’ Dig Pit

Tonight’s entertainment at the Calleva Arms!


See you tomorrow!


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8 Responses to The art of blogging

  1. Cathy says:

    I read your blog regularly. I am coming to Silchester next week so follow the blog to see what you are all up to at the moment. In the years when I cannot attend, I read the blog to see how things are going between the open days.

    So keep up the good work and, from my perspective, it’s the general info on what’s going on that I most enjoy

  2. Kate says:

    I read your blog to see what is going on and because your enthusiasm is catching! I’m due to join the dig from the 22nd July and have been thinking about you all in this hot weather! Still, you all looked glowing at the Diggers morris outside the Calleva Arms on Monday night (I’m a local morris fan).


  3. Lauren (Hale) says:

    Hi Amanda!
    Hello from Shanghai! I have been reading you blog, trying to get some vicarious archaeology thrills and seeing what is the same and what different! I’m very intrigued by Insular III, I spoke to Marie recently and she mention that you were looking for something exciting!
    It’s still very strange to not come and spend my whole summer with you all! So its very nice to be able to see lots of pictures and read about what is happening!
    I hope you are having a great time so far and you don’t all melt in the sun!

    • silchesterdig says:

      Hi Lauren! Silchester alumnus! I hope all is well with you in Shanghai – we miss you and your excavation skills on site – but do keep reading! Funnily enough…we are all getting used to the high temperatures! Amanda

  4. Mike Eckhoff says:

    Just wanted to let you know that my geography is not brilliant, but thought Calgary was in Canada and not the USA…..

    • silchesterdig says:

      Ooops Mike! You are of course right…….spot the deliberate mistake! Glad you are are there to put me straight!

      • Mike Eckhoff says:

        No problem, I was just catching up and seeing how things are going in the lovely sunshine. I hope they all got sun cream on!

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