Day 1, Set Up Week 2: Walkways and Whimsy

It has been a feature of the last week on site: we are already getting nostalgic! our conversations are peppered with: do you remember when…do you remember who….this is the last time we do this…..! If you want to share our nostalgia, I have set up a Blog for everyone who has ever dug at Silchester…indeed who has ever been to Silchester:

If you have any memories or photographs you would like to share with us, please email them to me – address is on the blog site!

Today was all about the Visitors to the excavation: 2 walkways were constructed to provide views over both Insula IX and Insula III. This way you can watch us work for hours! And who knows what we might find whilst you are watching us?!

Walkways in place: come and visit us!

Walkways in place: come and visit us!


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