Okay….today it was hot! And we did finish early on site….with Mike’s blessing…..quite a few cases of heat stroke! But morale remains good, and boy, you should see our tans!
Dr. Hella Eckardt from the Department of Archaeology at Reading was here with us today – Hella gave 4 talks on our finds, to each team, one after the other (bolstered by Haribo sweets, cherries and Diet coke).
Today Zoe and I talked Visitors…..we are expecting large numbers over the weekend, so best to be prepared!
We are hosting a lunch on Sunday for the Silchester Friends…this will include the Tadley Silver Band!
We all found different ways to stay cool…..
John, Sue and Kevin have nearly completed our wonderful Exhibition on site. We will have an official opening on Sunday – and you will all then be able to visit it!
Elsewhere on site, in a wonderful example of serendipity….Hayley (who is in Hen’s team) found a tile which had a hen’s claw print on it……
Hayley has been carefully removing the Victorian backfill to revealĀ a Roman clay surface studded with tile, slumping into a large Roman feature beneath. All very exciting!
And, at end of play….I took delivery of 200 Roman rubber ducks to sell on site! Go on, you know you want one! See you all soon.