Day 2: Set Up 2: my wonderful team

A few candid shots of those I work with. Let’s start with Site Manager Jon (you already know him!) and Science Technician Rory – enjoying the relaxed site atmosphere!

The Silchester Jive

The Silchester Jive

And again

And again


All join in!

How about Nick? My second-in-command on site – and very familiar to you all from past years and past blog posts!

Nick and his slippers

Nick and his slippers

Guy...the site gorilla

Guy…the site gorilla

And Sue too!

And Sue too!

Edoardo is back!

Edoardo is back!

The Roman garden

The Roman garden – tended by Sue


But – of course – the most important person on the excavation is also back with us….Jean, our amazing cook.

Jean and John try out the golf buggy lent to us by Paddy (and Puffin)

Jean and John try out the golf buggy lent to us by Paddy (and Puffin)

Jean and her store kabin...look at all that roughage!

Jean and her store kabin…look at all that roughage!

The Silchester team of 2014 is gathering….like a set of storm clouds on the horizon…..



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One Response to Day 2: Set Up 2: my wonderful team

  1. Alan Horgan says:

    Hi Amanda,

    Enjoyed reading your comments and photo captions.
    I now wish I was attending the Silchester Dig this year.
    You are right about the emotional tie to this event.

    I may be coming for a day if my work allows it, fingers crossed and toes…

    All the best to all at Silchester and that goes for Lyn Pease and John Brown!

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