Emailing Turnitin non-submitters

A few weeks ago Turnitin introduced a new ‘Email non-submitters’ feature – but unfortunately we then had to advise staff that this wouldn’t work in Blackboard.

We’re pleased to be able to announce that Turnitin have now carried out some additional development work, and as a result you will be able to email students who have not yet submitted to a Turnitin assignment – even if that assignment is set to be marked anonymously.

How to use this feature

When you go into a Turnitin inbox (via Control Panel > Course Tools > Turnitin Assignments on your Blackboard course) you will see ‘Email non-submitters’ just above the list of student names.

Turnitin: Email non-submitters

Clicking on that link allows you to compose an email which will be sent to any student on the course who has not yet submitted to the Turnitin assignment in question.

Please note

  1.  In order to ensure that no students are missed out, please click on the Roster Sync button before sending a non-submission email. This synchronises Blackboard with Turnitin, and ensures that the class list in Turnitin is up-to-date.Turnitin: Roster Sync
  2. If you have an assignment which only needs to be taken by a sub-group of students on your course, this may not be an appropriate tool to use, as the email will be sent to all non-submitting students on the Blackboard course (including those who are not required to submit to this assignment).
  3. If there are multiple instructors on your Blackboard course, the email which students receive may appear to come from someone other than you (i.e. from another staff member who is enrolled on the course). There is no way at present to control this at present. However the email will always come from <> and any replies should be sent to the staff member who sent the reminder.

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