How to edit the due date on an electronic assignment

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Having set up an electronic assignment on Blackboard, whether it’s a Blackboard or a Turnitin assignment, you may sometimes need to edit or amend its dates – its due date, for example.

How can I do this? 

  • Find the assignment submission point & make sure EDIT MODE is switched ON.
  • Click on the downward arrow icon to the right of the assignment title (1)
  • Click on Edit (2) in the contextual menu that appears. You can then edit the dates from the assignment’s settings.

Editing assignment settings

Do I need to consider anything else? 

  •  If it’s a Turnitin Assignment, remember to amend the Post Date too. (This is the date on which the marks and feedback transfer from Turnitin to the Blackboard Grade Centre and become available to students.) The Post Date won’t automatically update itself if the due date is changed. The Post Date should be 15 working days after the due date.
  • Remember to amend any instructions or details about the assignment to reflect the amended date/s.

Need any further help or advice? Please contact the TEL CQSD team.