Introducing the new Turnitin Feedback Studio

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We have today enabled a new interface for marking work in Turnitin, called the Turnitin Feedback Studio.

What is the Turnitin Feedback Studio?

The Feedback Studio replaces the Grademark and Originality features used when marking work and combines them into a single set of features accessed from a simple menu when viewing a student’s paper. It retains all of the tools that were previously available to you to provide feedback or check originality. These can now be used via a set of ‘Instructor Feedback’ and ‘Similarity’ buttons that you can choose to enable using the new Layers feature.

The Turnitin Feedback Studio has been designed to provide a simple and clear interface for you to check originality and mark online. Turnitin is still accessed in the same way and there is no change to the design of the assignment Inbox.

The Feedback Studio lets you and your students have immediate access to the information and the tools needed for an efficient marking and feedback process. Navigation has been improved in the Turnitin Feedback Studio, allowing you to more easily annotate work with comments, and to switch between features and student papers whilst marking.

For full details go to


The new interface has been put in place for the 2016-17 academic year. It replaces the previous Document Viewer (now referred to as ‘Turnitin Classic’).

The new ‘Feedback Studio’ interface will display by default to both staff and students. However, any user has the option to switch back to ‘Turnitin Classic’ up until the end of the 2016-17 academic year.

Turnitin Feedback Studio does not alter the way Turnitin integrates with Blackboard – it does not require any changes to the way you create Turnitin assignments, or the way students submit their work or gain access to their feedback.

Where can I get help?

Getting started

The first time you access the Feedback Studio you will be offered a quick tour of the new interface, which may well be enough to get you started.

Welcome to the Feedback Studio

The Turnitin website has some really good help resources:

Turnitin Feedback Studio – Instructor User Guide

Interactive Feedback Studio demo – site where you can try out how the new interface works.

Video comparison of Feedback Studio and Turnitin Classic – highlighting the key changes.


We have also prepared some quick reference guides to the new interface:

Turnitin Feedback Studio: Finding your way around the new interface

Overview of the Feedback Studio – explanation of the key features all on one screen

Turnitin Feedback Studio overview


Help for students

The following guidance is available for students:

Turnitin Feedback Studio – Student User Guide (Turnitin website)

Turnitin Feedback Studio – student guide

Student guide to accessing feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio


Not ready to use the new interface?

If you are currently using Turnitin  to mark student work, you should find the new interface fairly intuitive.

But, if you prefer, you can take advantage of this button at the bottom of the screen:

return to Turnitin Classic

That will restore the familiar version.

You can then try out the new version at a later date, when it is more convenient for you to do so.


For more help with using Turnitin for originality checking, e-submission, e-marking and feedback, please see the Turnitin pages in the Support section of this blog.