Box of Broadcasts

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If you subscribe to the Library News blog you will have seen a recent post Presenting BoB – our new resource for TV & radio:

Our newest e-resource is Box of Broadcasts (BoB) – BoB is a resource that allows you to record and view TV and radio programmes from over 65 free-to-air channels.
Also available is an archive of over 2 million programmes from the 1990s to the present day – ready to watch. Includes content from; BBC TV and radio, ITV, Channel 4, Film4, some foreign language channels, the BBC Shakespeare Archive and lots more! Check the full list of available channels.

We’ve produced a user guide showing you how to link to a Box of Broadcast recording (or playlist, or clip) from your Blackboard course: Linking from Blackboard to Box of Broadcast (BoB) recordings

We understand that BoB will shortly be introducing an embed function, and when that is live we’ll update our guide accordingly.


Meanwhile, as the Library blog post says

For more information on how you may use the content available, please check the access page or have a look at Box of Broadcast’s FAQs

If you plan to use BoB to enhance your teaching we’d love to hear about it! Contact Natalie Guest with your ideas.