Suggested solutions if you encounter any issues when marking in Turnitin Feedback Studio

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Here are some suggestions for staff marking student work using Turnitin Feedback Studio, in case you encounter any technical issues.

Very occasionally, you might find that

  • you are not able to save comments
  • you are not able to open previously saved comments
  • the Feedback Studio screen freezes.

If you do experience any of these problems, we believe that the simplest way to resolve them is to switch back to the old Turnitin interface, ‘Turnitin Classic’.

There is a link to do this at the bottom of the Feedback Studio window.

return to Turnitin Classic

(for more detail see our Feedback Studio User Guide)


You may also be able to avoid problems with the Feedback Studio by clearing your browser cache:



Finally, these issues may be related to Turnitin’s 60-minute timeout.

A Turnitin user session will not remain active indefinitely…

NOTE: The issue described below has now been resolved by an update to the way the 60 minute timeout is detected. See update to timeout settings

If the Turnitin window in Blackboard Learn (see image below) does not detect user activity, the user session will automatically timeout after 60 minutes.

Turnitin Assignment Inbox

Therefore, if you have spent almost an hour on marking a single paper, we would recommend that you close the marking window, return to the Turnitin assignment inbox and refresh it, before the 60 minute period runs out.

Please note that typing into a dialog box or scrolling through a submission in the Feedback Studio is not recognised as user activity. Again, we would advise staff to close the Feedback Studio window between scripts – and within the 1 hour window – to ensure work is not lost.

Please note that it is also possible for the session to time out if you have multiple Turnitin windows (or tabs) open at once. The timer will be running for each Turnitin window or tab you have open. If the timer runs out on one window (or tab) you will be logged out of ALL Turnitin sessions, even if one window was being actively used.

(many thanks to the Edinburgh University Digital Learning Applications and Media team for advice on timeout issues)


If you do experience issues, please log them with providing as many details as possible about the circumstances in which the error occurred.