*TEL Fest – TEL Roadshow, Tuesday 11 July, 13:00-14:00 in Carrington 201*

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TEL Fest: Lunchtime Fringe – TEL Roadshow (with free light lunch!)

Tuesday 11 July, 13:00 – 14:00 in Carrington 201

Calling Academic & Administrative staff!


 Don’t miss this opportunity to meet, talk & munch with various TEL-related staff and teams from within and beyond the university, including staff from the Blackboard company, TEL CQSD, the Open Online Courses (OOC) team, ISLI TEL, TEL/AV Support, IT, the Library, Academic Development and EMA.

No need to book, just drop in at 13:00 for a bite to eat and a chat! This session in itself a TEL Fest with key staff all in one place!

Come along and find out, for example, how ILSI TEL staff have been using the Xerte tool to create interactive teaching materials. How can the Library help you with online reading lists? How can the TEL team support you to develop your use of technology to enhance your teaching? What is Office 365 that we all have access to? What’s an OOC? Who works ‘behind the scenes’ to help support TEL at the university and what do they do? Chat to TEL/AV Support staff about new audio-visual kit in teaching rooms.

Who’s Who at the TEL Roadshow: 

Team Staff Find out…
TEL CQSD Vicki Holmes (Head of TEL)

Adam Bailey

Lauren McCann

Bobbi Moore

Maria Papaethimiou

Andy Turner

How TEL staff can help you to use technology to enhance & enrich

T & L

Blackboard Anne Cross

Steve Hoole

About Blackboard from people who work for the company!
TEL Support / AV Helena Bampton

Jonathan Rajadurai

Mark Taylor

How TEL Support support TEL at UoR

Blackboard course rollover

What AV resources are available & the new kit available in rooms

IT Anton Lawrence

Steve Gough

Matt Gee

Robin Taylor

Jo Mortimer (Business Partner)

How IT can support you

Office 365

Windows 10 deployment

How your Business Partner can support you

ISLI TEL Jonathan Smith

Takeshi Adachi

How have ISLI TEL staff been using Xerte to create interactive

T & L materials

Library Kerry Webb

Natalie Guest

Online reading lists

Box of Broadcasts

Open Online Courses


Nicky McGirr

Stasia Rattigan

Yen Tu

What is an Open Online Course?

How to get involved

Lessons you can learn from OOCs for designing your own blended and online learning


(Electronic Management of Assessment)

Emma Mayhew

Peter Hancock

Kat Lee

Siobhan Crathern

The latest on EMA at the university from the people who know!
Academic Development Deb Heighes


How the Academic Development team can support you & all about professional development

Hope to see you there,

Lauren & the TEL CQSD team