Providing Exam feedback in Blackboard

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Generic exams feedback is now being rolled out across the University following a successful pilot and approval by UBTLSE. Details of how this process works were highlighted in a recent staff portal news article: Provision of generic exams feedback approved by UBTLSE for 2018/19 onwards.

The exam feedback is being provided to students through Blackboard. To facilitate this and ensure consistency in how the feedback is made available, a new menu area has been automatically added to the Blackboard courses for all 2018-19 modules. 

Colleagues from the Programme Administration teams will be working with Module Convenors to populate this new area with the correct content.

The area is labelled ‘Past Exam Papers and Feedback‘.

By default, this area appears at the bottom of the course menu.

example course menu

You can easily move it to a different position, so that it sits with other assessment-related menu items, by dragging and dropping it.

What do I need to do if my Blackboard course does not have the new menu area?

All Blackboard courses for single RISIS modules, and all Merged courses will have the new menu area added automatically. If your course is in a different category, you can still provide exam feedback but need to add the menu area manually. You can do this by adding a new content area to your course menu