Blackboard Course Rollover 2019 – Course Copy Request form now available

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Course rollover is the annual process whereby Blackboard courses from the current academic year are copied for use in the next academic year.

Course rollover for 2019-20 will take place on Saturday 29th June 2019

Blackboard downtime will be required, approximately 08:00 – 17:00 BST.


The process for 2019-20 will follow a very similar pattern to last year.

If you are responsible for a RISIS module or programme

  • which was used in Blackboard in the current academic year (i.e. in 2018-19)
  • and is scheduled to run again in the new academic year (i.e. in 2019-20)
  • and you would like this Blackboard course copied for use in 2019-20

you need take no action – the course will be automatically copied forward as part of Course Rollover.

The vast majority of Blackboard courses normally fall into this category.

You can check if your course is already scheduled to be copied by searching the Course Copy Status page.


In all other cases you will need to use the Course Copy Request Form to raise a request for a course to be copied.

This form is now ready for use.


Please see our support page for information on what action you need to take, if you are responsible for any of the following:

Modules which did not run in 2018-19

Brand new modules

Modules with a new RISIS code

Merged Courses

Supplementary courses


The Course Rollover page on our help site also provides information on which parts of a course are copied during rollover.


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