New TEL website for staff to support T&L

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The TEL website has moved to a brand new site with reorganised and revised content. The move makes it easier for you to find everything you need about Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in one place. The site replaces our previous TEL Blog and TEL pages on the original CQSD site.

You can use the new site to:

  1. Find out about our key services and projects, guidance on using TEL effectively and staff development opportunities.
  2. Watch videos of colleagues explaining how and why they use TEL.
  3. Find case studies and further reading to get ideas and inspiration.
  4. Subscribe to our new blog called TEL Updates to receive email updates on the latest TEL news and developments. This will include updates on upgrades, TEL events, new technologies and initiatives and is likely to involve an average of 2 posts per month. Enter your email address on the home page of our site.

Note: If you subscribed to the previous TEL blog, you will need re-subscribe to the new blog as we are unable to copy across your subscription.

 TEL will continue to add to and update the site regularly to meet your needs. If you have any feedback or suggestions for the site, please email me – Lauren McCann.