Blackboard-Stream integration goes live this week

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What does the integration do?

The integration will run every night, to synchronise permissions between your Blackboard course and the relevant Stream Group.

Back in July, a Microsoft Stream content area was added to all course menus, for modules running in 2020/21 (courses where the Blackboard course ID ends in 20-1MOD). This area is used to create a group in Stream for your course and should not be deleted.

At the end of August, DTS set up a Stream Group for all of these courses – so that you can share videos with your students on a module .

Since then the membership of the Stream Groups has been updated on a daily basis based on Blackboard enrolments – but only for a small number of courses (for instance in the Institute of Education) where teaching started on 1st September. DTS are now almost ready to make this daily updating available for all courses.

Instructors on the Blackboard course are made Owners of the Stream Group; everyone else on the course becomes a Viewer.

Watch how to set permissions and manage groups in Stream.

What do I need to do if I have manually enrolled staff or students to see videos?

  • If you have manually added any staff or students to the membership of the Stream Group, please ensure that they are also enrolled on the Blackboard course.
    Otherwise their membership of the group will disappear when the Blackboard-Stream integration becomes fully operational.
  • The integration does not affect access for staff or students added to individual videos using the ‘Permissions’ setting.
  • From now on, you should not manually edit the membership of Stream Groups created by the Blackboard integration. If you need other students or colleagues to be able to access the Stream Group, you will have to

What else is changing?

Supplementary courses (courses where the Blackboard course ID ends in 20-1SUP) will also now be included in the integration.

If you need to share Stream content with a Programme (courses where the Blackboard course ID ends in PR) or an Organisation, please log a ticket via the Self-Service Portal.

What’s the best way to share videos with my students in Blackboard?

Although the Microsoft Stream area on your course provides a quick way for students to access module videos, you will probably also want to embed specific videos into the relevant content area (e.g. ‘Learning Materials’). This helps to provide context for your sessions, and to keep each week’s learning materials together.

You can hide the Microsoft Stream content area (set it as unavailable) if you do not want students to access Stream content in this way.


It is essential that the Microsoft Stream content area on your course menu is not deleted or renamed – if it is, the integration with Stream will be broken.

Where can I find help on using Stream?

You’ll find a comprehensive list of staff guides on using Stream on this page: Using Microsoft Stream for Teaching and Learning.

This article takes you through the stages of creating Stream content and sharing it with your students: MS Stream Quick Guide to sharing videos via Blackboard