MS Stream video permissions & interactive online sessions

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Some important advice to help you avoid common pitfalls when: 1) using MS Stream for sharing videos in Blackboard and 2) setting up your online interactive sessions.

 MS Stream


Things to be aware of when adding Stream video permissions 

To ensure your students can view your screencasts in Stream, it’s essential to make sure you’ve shared your videos with the Stream Group for your module. Step-by-step instructions on sharing screencasts is available in this help article, MS Stream: How to add permissions for a Blackboard module.

It’s vital to note that the Stream Groups for Blackboard courses all start with COURSE_ and then the course ID. When searching for the right group, remember to start off by typing COURSE_

 Make sure you don’t: 

  • Delete or rename the ‘Microsoft Stream’ menu itemin your Blackboard module (you can hide it if you don’t want students to access your videos this way).
  • Delete your module groupswithin MS Stream.

Stream updates:

  • Stream integration can be set up for Blackboard Organisations – please log a Service Desk ticket.
  • Find answers to Frequently Asked Questionsabout Stream, for example: What is the difference between a Channel and a Group?
  • The integration between Blackboard and Stream runs once a day, after Blackboard enrolments have been updated from RISIS. The integration is very new, and still being refined. Currently, it can take up to 48 hours between a student being enrolled on your module in RISIS and being able to access your videos in Stream.

Online interactive sessions  


Set up and access to timetabled online interactive sessions

  1. Academics delivering the modules will need to set up the online interactive sessions.
  2. Make joining links for online interactive sessions available within the Blackboard module.
  3. Set up sessions so that any student on the module can join them.

What do I need to consider before setting up my online interactive sessions?

This article ‘How to make online interactive sessions available to students’ includes a comparison of Teams Meetings and Blackboard Collaborate to help you decide which tool is best suited for your purpose.

Show me how to set up my online interactive sessions

Instructions for ‘Setting up online interactive sessions for students’ so any student on your module can join an online session, should they need to.

We hope you find this information helpful. Please remember that you can log TEL queries by emailing or via the DTS Self-Service Portal – the TEL team will get back to you to help as promptly as possible.