TEL Showcase – Flipped Learning

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Many thanks to our speakers: Dr Sakhtivel Vaiyapuri (SCFP), Mrs Daniela Standen (ISLI), Dr Evangelos Delivopoulos (SBS) and Professor Jane Setter (SLL) for sharing their experience and insights at the recent TEL Showcase about Flipped Learning (16 September 2020).

Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which the conventional notion of classroom-based learning is inverted: students are introduced to the learning material before class with face-to-face time then being used to deepen understanding through learning activities such as discussion with peers and problem-solving activities facilitated by staff.

The presenters are well experienced in utilising flipped learning within their teaching and provided useful insights on structuring modules using this teaching style and identifying the benefits and challenges that it can bring:

  • Using recorded content on Blackboard to stoke interest and questions ahead of discussion in a classroom session;
  • Visualising flipped learning and how it can free up time in a classroom for application of theory and scenario-based learning;
  • The benefits for students in being able to come to classrooms prepared for active-learning and being able to revise and re-watch core learning content,
  • Being able to create a re-usable library of resources and information that can be used with many groups of students and create opportunities for active learning and practice.

A recording of the session can be watched on UoR Learn (you will need a UoR Learn account): University of Reading: Flipped Learning Showcase

The event gave some helpful perspectives on when and how to make the best use of this teaching approach. It emphasised the importance of careful planning, persistence and capturing your students’ curiosity early. Speakers also share the models they use to structure their modules and the pedagogy that underpin their decisions.

Daniel Barker (TEL Advisor, CQSD)