Thinking about overwriting Stream videos with updated screencasts?

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Should I overwrite existing Stream videos?


When updating your screencasts for your new student cohort, there are advantages to overwriting the original video located in Stream: 

  • The embed link is retained (meaning you do not have to update the embed locations in your rolled over Blackboard module) 
  • Video details, like name and description are retained. 
  • Comments, likes, and view history are retained. 



*It may not always be suitable to overwrite the original video located in Stream.*

  1. Your previous cohort may be confused if they are viewing past modules containing updated Stream videos. Previous core learning content must remain available to them during their programme. 
  2. When a Stream video is overwritten, anything based on the original content will not be retained. This includes:
  • The original (edited) transcript will be replaced by a new transcript (generated after the original video is overwritten by the new file upload). 
  • New thumbnails are generated to replace those generated from the original video. 
  • If Microsoft Forms are linked to the original video, the links are removed (because they depend on specific timelines in the video) and you’ll have to reinsert the Forms at the appropriate times in the replacement video. 


How do I reuse the transcript attached to my original Stream video? 

An overwritten video will generate a new transcript. You can download a copy of a transcript before overwriting a Stream video. The downloaded transcript file can be attached to a new video upload or overwritten video. The on-screen captions will display at the points indicated in your transcript file timings, so please check playback to ensure they make sense. For instructions, see the TEL Support article about editing Stream transcripts


  • Stream transcripts download without a file extension, so you will need to type .vtt at the end of the file name when saving a copy.   
  • It is possible to alter the times in the transcript file (can be opened with NotePad or other plain text editors) but this may become time consuming and tricky to achieve.


How do I reuse the Stream video thumbnails? 

It is not possible to download the thumbnail. If the image is taken from a frame of the video, playback the video and take a screenshot. 


See instructions for reusing Stream videos with your student in 2021/22 or  TEL guidance about repurposing screencasts.