Blackboard Recycle Bin Feature Release 31st August 2023

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The new Blackboard Recycle Bin feature allows users to restore specific files that were deleted from their course. Please note: Deleted content will be removed from the Recycle Bin after 30 days and it will no longer be possible to restore such items. 

What can be restored?  

  • Files uploaded to Blackboard or attached content items (e.g., Word, Excel, PDF or PowerPoint, etc.)  

What cannot be restored?  

If you have accidentally deleted one of the items mentioned below, please contact DTS as soon as possible (within 30 days of deletion):  

  • Content items 
  • Files submitted as Blackboard Assignments (students’ attempts) 
  • Files attached to Discussion Forums or Journals  
  • Files attached to Announcements or Messages  

Please click here for more information and to learn how to use the Recycle Bin feature in Blackboard. 

*This post was sent as a Blackboard-Users’ email on Tuesday 29 August 2023. 

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