Blackboard Learn Ultra Insights #3 – Time-saving tips for Ultra Organisations

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In this edition of Blackboard Ultra Insights, we share time-saving, practical tips to help you work with your Blackboard Ultra Organisations. You can learn more about each feature by clicking the links to our help pages.

Our time-saving tips for working with Ultra Organisations

  • Bulk Content Upload: Save time by uploading multiple files or resources at once. With the new bulk upload feature, you no longer need to add items one at a time. You can find this option under “Add Content” in your Ultra Organisation.
  • Coming soon! Copying Announcements: This feature comes to Blackboard on 8th September 2023. You will soon be able to copy announcements from one Organisation to another. This will be particularly useful if you need to add the same Announcement to multiple Organisations, or reuse Announcement text from previous years.
  • Resize images in Ultra Documents: You can now preview and resize your images directly in the editor, rather than having to set the correct size before uploading.

Your next steps

  1. Don’t forget to make your Organisation available to students as soon as they’re ready! Monday 11th September is the deadline for making your new Ultra organisation visible to students and setting the Original version to ‘Unavailable’.
  2. Book on an Ultra Organisations workshop if you haven’t yet attended one. See UoR Learn for date of upcoming sessions.

Full details about migrating to Blackboard Learn Ultra Organisations is available on our helpsite. You can read more about the move to Ultra on the project website.

In the next Ultra Insight: Features available in Blackboard Ultra Courses