Assessment support & resources to help staff with online marking and feedback

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*If you have a query or a question in response to this post, please contact TEL via the DTS Service Desk: email OR log a ticket on the DTS Self-Service Portal.

We hope you find the following information about assessment support and resources helpful.

1.    Help for students submitting work online

We’re approaching a period when many students start submitting work online for the first time to Blackboard and Turnitin. We have a full range of online submission guides on our Student TEL/Blackboard Help-site, aimed at helping students avoid technical issues, undue stress, or penalties for late submission. Please encourage your students to make use of these resources ahead of submitting – they are listed on the Student Help-site’s Assessment Help page.

The best place for students to start is the Online Submission checklist.

Depending on the nature of your assessments, you may also wish to direct students to one of these articles:


2.    Help for staff marking online

Please see the Assessment Help area on our Staff help site for a comprehensive range of guides aimed at all staff involved in the management of assessment, whether academics, administrators, or PG students employed as markers. Some examples:

Turnitin Assignments

Blackboard Assignments

Video Assignments (using YuJa)

New to marking online?

For anyone completely new to marking and providing feedback online, these self-directed Online Tutorials are available on UoRLearn, each of which should take no longer than 1 hour max. to work through:


Module Convenors: Before you and your colleagues start to mark, please check out these pages, and make sure that everyone involved understands the workflows that need to be followed – especially where marking and/or moderation will be carried out anonymously:

  If you have any queries about any aspect of online submission, feedback and grading, please raise a ticket via the DTS Self Service Portal. 

Forthcoming Assessment & Feedback staff development webinars

Please click on the links to book a place:

e-Assessment: Marking coursework efficiently with Gradescope (Webinar)

  • Friday 13 October 2023, 13:00-14:00

Book your place here

TEL: Interpreting the Turnitin Similarity Report (Webinar)

  • Wednesday 25 October 2023, 09:30-10:30
  • Thursday 16 November 2023, 14:00-15:00

Book your place here

e-Assessment: Marking Turnitin Assignments (Webinar)

  • Wednesday 01 November 2023, 13:00-14:00
  • Tuesday 14 November 2023, 09:30-10:30

Book your place here

e-Assessment: Good Practice with creating Rubrics for e-Assessment (Webinar)

  • Friday 03 November 2023, 12:30-13:30

Book your place here

e-Assessment: Marking Blackboard Assignments (Webinar)

  • Wednesday 08 November 2023, 13:00-14:00
  • Friday 24 November 2023, 09:30-10:30

Book your place here

TEL Surgery: Blackboard Tests (Webinar)

  • Thursday 09 November 2023, 14:00-15:00
  • Wednesday 22 November 2023, 09:30-10:30

Book your place here

TEL 1:1* 

A 30-minute individual meeting with a member of the TEL team designed to provide you with advice and support with using digital technology in your teaching, including assessment-related activities, if you have a specific query.

Book a TEL 1:1 and a member of the TEL team will contact you to arrange a meeting.

*Please note that these sessions are not designed as a replacement for attending TEL training sessions nor to provide an overview of Blackboard. 

[This post was sent as a Blackboard-Users’ email on Tuesday 17 October 2023]