Blackboard Ultra staff development programme – coming February 2024

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In line with the timeline for moving to Blackboard Ultra Courses for 2024/25, we are pleased to announce that training will be starting in February and running throughout the spring and summer. Our comprehensive staff development programme is aimed at academics, but other staff are welcome to attend. Administrative staff in Support Centres will receive dedicated training in the summer.

The training programme comprises in-person and online sessions, and covers the essential topics to get your Ultra Course ready for September. Each session has a companion online resource for support, flexibility and self-access. Full details are available on the website and on UoRLearn when booking.

We have published, on UoRLearn, the Spring Term dates for sessions 1,2,3 and 4 below. Start booking now, beginning with ‘Building your 2024-25 Course’ (designed as the foundation for your Ultra training).

  1. Ultra: Building your 2024-25 Course (Essential). This 2hr in-person, hands-on workshop will be your foundation and will equip you with the skills to start building your 2024/25 course. Details & booking.
  2. Ultra: Assessment Overview (Recommended). This 90 min webinar will give you a tour of assessment tools and processes in Ultra. Details & booking.
  3. Ultra: Communicating with Students, Monitoring Progress and using Course Analytics (Recommended). This 1 hr webinar will introduce the Ultra communication tools and how to track student engagement. Details & booking.
  4. Ultra: Re-using Blackboard Original Tests in 2024/25 Courses (Optional). This 75 min webinar will focus on Ultra Tests and re-using Original Tests in Ultra Courses. Details & booking.

From May 2024, we will be offering the following additional sessions:

  1. Ultra Course-Building Retreats (Optional). Book this practical session to work on building your 2024/25 course with TEL team support to answer your questions (Further information to follow).
  2. Ultra: Creating Learning Activities (Recommended). This practical 90 min workshop will give you an introduction to creating learning activities in your Ultra Course.

If you experience any difficulties when booking on UoRLearn, please email CQSD TandL.

You can find out more about our move to Blackboard Ultra on the project web-page.

We look forward to working with you to help support your transition to this improved version of Blackboard.


[This post was sent as a Blackboard-User’s email on 22/01/2024.]

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