Blackboard file upload requirements are changing

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Maximum file size limits are being introduced to Blackboard Courses and Organisations from 1 September 2024. 

This is being introduced to help manage file storage and improve the experience of students using files uploaded to Blackboard. As a result: 

  1. Video files: It will no longer be possible to upload video files directly to Blackboard. If you have videos, upload them to YuJa and then publish to your course on Blackboard. (Students can submit videos in YuJa for assignments.) 
  1. Audio files: An upload limit of 25MB is provided to allow the upload of short audio clips. Larger audio files can be uploaded to YuJa and published to your course. 
  1. Other file types: There will be a limit to the size of other types of files (for example: PowerPoint, PDF, Word) uploaded to Blackboard. For the coming academic year, the proposed file size limit is 250 MB. 

Why limit the file size?  

  1. To benefit your students: Larger files take longer to download – causing problems, especially for students accessing Blackboard through a slow WiFi connection and/or on a mobile device.   
  1. To reduce the overall size of the Blackboard database: An unnecessarily large database can affect system performance. We also need to remain within an overall institutional storage limit. 

Will the limit apply to staff and students?  

Yes – it is not possible to set different limits for staff and students, so they will apply equally if you are a lecturer uploading content to your module, or a student submitting to a Blackboard assignment.  

We are updating the guidance on our student support site to reflect the new limits, and providing guidance on how to reduce file sizes.  

For video file assignment submissions, there are comprehensive instructions for students on submitting videos to a Blackboard Assignment using YuJa.   

Will the limit apply to all files?  

Currently, a single file size limit is going to be applied to all commonly used file types (with the exception of video files, which cannot be uploaded), but it is possible to apply a different file size limit for different types of files. At this stage, a limit is not being applied to specialist file types including zip files such as those used in Computing and Typography. We will be contacting colleagues who use specialist file types for very large student file submissions to explore alternative routes over the coming academic year. The absolute maximum upload size for these files will be 2.5 gigabytes. 

How can I reduce the size of my files?   

The largest files are often video and audio files, but excessively large PowerPoint files and even Word documents and PDFs can cause problems. There are techniques and solutions for optimising file sizes. 

Please see the TEL guide to managing file sizes.   

Uploading externally published materials 

If the item you wish to upload is externally published, please provide a link instead, to reduce any risk of copyright infringement. Module readings (e.g. from books or journals, accessed via e-resources or copied under the CLA HE Licence) should be added to the online reading list, instead of linking directly from Ultra. For advice on adding resources to your online reading list contact your Academic Liaison Librarian 

What happens next?   

  • We will update you again once the new file size limits are confirmed.  
  • From 1 September, if the file you’re trying to upload is larger than the limit specified, you will see a pop-up message:   
    • saying your file hasn’t been uploaded   
    • and directing you to support on uploading videos on YuJa and reducing file sizes. 

In the meantime  

  • We’re in the process of putting together an FAQ page to add to our guidance for students and staff.  

Kind Regards