Updates to MS Teams Teams Meetings and Collaborate for T&L

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Blackboard’s Collaborate tool (now called Class Collaborate) and Microsoft Teams Meetings have been available for you to use for T&L webinars, and for online sessions and meetings. There are some important updates regarding the use of these tools for this and next academic year.

MS Teams Meeting

The Microsoft Teams Meeting tool has now been integrated into Blackboard Ultra Courses, allowing staff to schedule course-related sessions from within a Blackboard Ultra Course. There is guidance on the new TEL Support site for staff to help you to use this feature.


The Collaborate tool is also available in Blackboard Ultra Courses:

  1. There are some differences to the way you and your students access it in Ultra. Guidance for staff use is available here on the staff support site.
  2. Colleagues using this tool should note that they will only have access to it for this coming academic year, and that it will no longer be available after August 2025. We encourage those colleagues using Collaborate in 2024/25 to begin familiarising themselves with the Teams Meeting option ready for use in 2025/26.

If you have a query in relation to this post, please contact CQSD TEL via the DTS Self-Service Portal or by emailing DTS.   

[This info was sent as a Blackboard-Users’ email on 02-09-2024.]

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