Preparing your Blackboard Ultra Course & key TEL/Blackboard messages from summer 2024

With the new semester fast-approaching, some key TEL/Blackboard information to help you catch up on what you may have missed and prepare for the year ahead.
  1. Preparing your Blackboard Ultra Course for the new semester

See the blog post: Quick steps to getting your Ultra Course ready for the essentials on preparing your course for 2024/25.
There are still places available on CQSD TEL’s bookable Ultra staff development sessions, designed to help you with your transition to Ultra Courses.
  1. What you may have missed over the summer

  • Integration of MS Teams Meetings into Blackboard Ultra Courses

The Microsoft Teams Meetings tool is now integrated into Blackboard Ultra Courses, enabling staff to schedule course-related meetings from within Blackboard. See the TEL Blog for more details and guidance.

  • Blackboard file upload limits

Blackboard file upload limits are now live. See the blog post for details.
Video files can no longer be uploaded directly into Blackboard. Use YuJa to host all your videos.
  • Module descriptions automatically linked to Ultra Courses

The Module Description (MDF) for a course is now available from a Course Description link under the Details and Actions menu within an Ultra Course. Further information.
  • Monthly feature release updates

Blackboard releases monthly updates to continually enhance and improve the Ultra platform. We’ll email you about these each month, but catch up on the TEL Blog with those you may have missed: Blackboard Ultra’s monthly features’ updates.
  • Reminder of requests for merged courses

If you require a merged course, you’ll need to submit a request by 1st October. See the blog post for details and access to the request form.  
  1. DTS’ Audio-Visual Classroom Technology Drop-In Sessions

The DTS Audio Visual team are once again running their helpful classroom technology drop-in sessions for teaching staff between 23rd September and 3rd October (no need to book). Get hands on and familiar with technology in classrooms (microphones, cameras, screens) ahead of the new semester. For more information, see the Technology sessions post.
Wishing you a successful year ahead – we look forward to working with you.
[This post was sent out as a Blackboard-Users’ email on Monday 16th September]

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