Talis links in Blackboard – an update

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Blackboard are still working on a patch to fix the issue which has affected course menu links to Talis.

In the meantime, Blackboard engineers have located all 2017-18 courses where the menu includes a link to a Talis reading list (these are the links which are currently broken), and made the links unavailable i.e. not visible to students.

This should help to to avoid student confusion, and removes the need for you to do this on your Blackboard course.

However, if you have not already done so, please do create a new working link from Blackboard to your Talis module reading list.


See this guide for instructions on creating a link to Talis from your Blackboard course.


Please note that the problem affects Blackboard courses where there is a single module reading list, with a link from the Blackboard course menu.

If your Blackboard course has multiple reading lists, or you have created links from Blackboard to specific sections of a Talis list, these links will be inside a Blackboard content area, and should not be affected by the Blackboard bug.


Please continue to update your reading lists for the 2017/18 session, and remember to publish all lists that are still in draft. Until published, a list can’t be seen by your students. For further information please contact your Liaison Librarian.

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