Press ‘Sync Grades’ to ensure the Grade Centre displays updated Turnitin marks

When staff use Turnitin GradeMark to mark student work, the grades entered in GradeMark should automatically transfer to the Blackboard Grade Centre (for assignments with Anonymous Marking, this should happen once the Post Date has been reached).

Sometimes this synchronisation does not happen automatically, and you have to use the Sync Grades tool – see Use Sync Grades to push marks into the Grade Centre.

If students’ marks have been changed in Turnitin as a result of moderation, we advise you to press Sync Grades to make absolutely sure that the updated mark is transferred to the Grade Centre.


To do this

  • Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Turnitin Assignments
  • Find the relevant assignment in the list
  • Click the Sync Grades link to the right of the assignment name.

Turnitin Sync Grades

Having done that, go back to the Grade Centre, and you should find that the same marks are showing in both places.


Please note, we are only aware of one case where  marks which had been changed in Turnitin were not automatically updated in Blackboard. But to be on the safe side, if marks have been changed in Turnitin, we would advise you to press Sync Grades before marks and feedback are released to students.

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