Category: Learning Design

ALT Free Online Winter TEL Conference (11/12 December 2019)

We thought we’d alert you to the ALT Online Winter Conference taking place this Wednesday and Thursday (11/12 December). ALT is the Association for Learning Technology and this is their 6th…Continue Reading ALT Free Online Winter TEL Conference (11/12 December 2019)

TEL Fest – Places still available! Bookings close on Friday (30 June)!

There are still places available for TEL Fest sessions (Tues 11 – Thus 13 July, UoR staff only.) Bookings close on Friday (30 June).  *Please see the link in the…Continue Reading TEL Fest – Places still available! Bookings close on Friday (30 June)!

TEL Fest 2017 – Booking is now open!

  Bookings for TEL Fest sessions are now open! (This event is for University of Reading staff only.)  *Please see the link in the Details & Booking section at the end…Continue Reading TEL Fest 2017 – Booking is now open!

TEL FEST: 11 – 13 July 2017 (Save the date!)

TEL Fest, 11-13 July 2017 SAVE THE DATE!   As the festival season approaches, we thought we’d host a festival of our own this summer: TEL Fest – A festival…Continue Reading TEL FEST: 11 – 13 July 2017 (Save the date!)