Category: Mobile

ALT Free Online Winter TEL Conference (11/12 December 2019)

We thought we’d alert you to the ALT Online Winter Conference taking place this Wednesday and Thursday (11/12 December). ALT is the Association for Learning Technology and this is their 6th…Continue Reading ALT Free Online Winter TEL Conference (11/12 December 2019)

Brighton University ‘brings the pud’ and ‘burns the apps’ – Wednesday 20 December

A showcase of the best of Brighton University’s current academic practice using apps, web applications and other technology to enhance teaching and learning. Join in online on Wednesday 20 December!…Continue Reading Brighton University ‘brings the pud’ and ‘burns the apps’ – Wednesday 20 December

TEL Fest 2017 – Booking is now open!

  Bookings for TEL Fest sessions are now open! (This event is for University of Reading staff only.)  *Please see the link in the Details & Booking section at the end…Continue Reading TEL Fest 2017 – Booking is now open!

TEL FEST: 11 – 13 July 2017 (Save the date!)

TEL Fest, 11-13 July 2017 SAVE THE DATE!   As the festival season approaches, we thought we’d host a festival of our own this summer: TEL Fest – A festival…Continue Reading TEL FEST: 11 – 13 July 2017 (Save the date!)