The following dates have been scheduled for the 2018 Course Rollover, and for Blackboard upgrades over the next twelve months. Course rollover Saturday 30th June 2018 downtime required approximately 08:00 –…Continue Reading Dates for forthcoming Blackboard upgrades and course rollover 2018-19
Turnitin Feedback Studio: Save Error
Update – The issue is now resolved. Here is the information from Turnitin: Turnitin Service Alert Some Turnitin and TurnitinUk users (including those integrated with our service)…Continue Reading Turnitin Feedback Studio: Save Error
Turnitin Feedback Studio: unable to view or edit Quick Marks
Some staff have reported that, when marking student work using Turnitin Feedback Studio they are not able to view previously entered comments or QuickMarks they are not able to open and…Continue Reading Turnitin Feedback Studio: unable to view or edit Quick Marks
Updated inline grading interface for Blackboard Assignments now live
As previously advertised, our transition to the new Box interface for inline grading of Blackboard Assignments took place at 8 a.m. today. When opening student papers submitted to a Blackboard…Continue Reading Updated inline grading interface for Blackboard Assignments now live
Changes to the inline grading interface for Blackboard Assignments
As mentioned in a previous blog post, there are a few changes being introduced this week to the interface used when marking work submitted to a Blackboard Assignment. Please note…Continue Reading Changes to the inline grading interface for Blackboard Assignments
Happy new year – Burning of the Apps TEL Showcase videos
Happy new year! If you missed Brighton University’s excellent online Burning of the Apps TEL showcase just before the festive break, you…Continue Reading Happy new year – Burning of the Apps TEL Showcase videos
December 2017 Blackboard upgrade complete
Last night’s upgrade completed successfully, and the system was made available to users again at around 10.30 this morning. What’s new in Blackboard? Links to Talis This update fixes the…Continue Reading December 2017 Blackboard upgrade complete
eMarking tips & advice: Turnitin | Blackboard Assignments
This information is relevant to staff involved in marking work online Over the next few weeks, many staff will be marking work which has been submitted via Blackboard or Turnitin. To avoid…Continue Reading eMarking tips & advice: Turnitin | Blackboard Assignments
Changes to Inline Grading in Blackboard
What is changing? The Inline Grading features in Blackboard make use of a third party tool called Crocodoc. The company who own Crocodoc are moving to a new tool called…Continue Reading Changes to Inline Grading in Blackboard
Module Evaluation and Blackboard
Colleagues will be aware that Module Evaluation is currently underway. Following the collection and distribution of student responses, Module Convenors are required to write a brief commentary on the module evaluation…Continue Reading Module Evaluation and Blackboard