Tag: smartboard

ISLI TEL Training – kick-start your Avocor (1)

7 of the ISLI classrooms (126F, 206, 207, 220, 226, 227 and 228) now have Avocor LED touch-screen TVs, installed over the summer.  They also have new document cameras.  The SMART Notebook software still works as usual, but there may be small differences in the way the board interacts with your touches or in the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blogs.reading.ac.uk/tellang/event/isli-tel-training-kick-start-your-avocor-1/

Cannot switch on the Smartboard

In the ISLI classrooms, the Smartboard power is controlled by the power button on the left of the panel at the bottom of the Smartboard. When the power is off, the button is lit amber, and when it is on, the button is lit green. When you switch on the Smartboard, the power button will …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blogs.reading.ac.uk/tellang/2017/08/01/cannot-switch-on-the-smartboard/