Wind turbines in the Seychelles – picture: IEA
Researchers working across national borders feature prominently in the latest group of University of Reading academics to be awarded research funding.
In total, £12.5 million of funds were awarded during the third quarter of 2017-18, to 80 projects across all five research themes at Reading: Environment, Food, Health, Heritage & Creativity and Prosperity & Resilience.
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EU-Food lunchtime seminar: Experiences of EU funding – bees, benefits and Brexit
Speaker: Professor Simon Potts
Date/time: Wednesday 8th March, 12:30-13:30. Lunch will be provided.
Location: Frank Parkinson room, Agriculture bldg (room booked till 2pm)
In this lunchtime session, Simon Potts will share his experience of EU funding – as project coordinator, partner, and expert reviewer – his journey of ‘getting into the EU’, and his long-term planning and approach in preparing for EU bids.
Please register by 22nd Feb by emailing eu-unit@reading.ac.uk indicating event title and any dietary requirements (so we can ensure adequate provision of sandwiches). Thank you.
For EU funding opportunities see Horizon 2020
EU Horizon 2020 Research Funding Opportunities, UKRO annual event
Date: Tuesday 28th March 2017
Location: Room 1L08, Agriculture building (bldg nr 59 on map ), Earley Gate, Whiteknights campus
The Reading EU team is pleased to invite you to an EU research funding event with external and case study speakers, presenting on research and innovation funding opportunities under Horizon 2020. Two European Advisors (UK Research Office in Brussels) will be visiting for the day, as well as the UK National Contact Point for Societal Challenge 6 ‘Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies’ who will present on embedding the SSH agenda in Horizon 2020. Early information on the next Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 (to be published autumn 2017) will be provided, with emphasis on areas of specific interest to Reading. There will also be opportunities for networking. Anyone interested in EU funding is encouraged to attend.
Please register by emailing eu-unit@reading.ac.uk indicating morning and/or afternoon session, by 17th March latest please.
This event is for University of Reading staff.
If you have questions, email Mischa Phillips: m.phillips@reading.ac.uk