Wednesday seminar: Max Gadney

Max Gadney will give a talk ‘Working in Information Design’  on Wednesday, 26 October.

Max is an information designer who describes his brief as ‘making useful data products’. He led the Design Team at BBC News Online for several years and now works as a consultant with clients including The Guardian, Channel 4 and Manchester City. He runs the Design of Understanding conference.

The talk, open to all, will be at 4.30 in Typography, E1.

Whether the weather

Weather workings

Sue Walker sums up the day

Pictures from our latest AHRC-funded LUCID postgraduate workshop, Designing the Weather. Designers, meteorologists and psychologists worked together to consider how the design of weather forecasts could be improved to increase public understanding, in particular how forecasts could be designed to show the differing probabilities of forecast events.

Click here for a video account of the workshop and its outcomes, and read more on the LUCID Ning and CIDR web site.

Designing the weather

‘Research room’ picnic, University of Reading, 1906

On 30 September the Department will host an interdisciplinary postgraduate workshop of designers, meteorologists and psychologists who will work together to re-think the design of weather forecasts. ‘Watching the weather’ is often more than a passing concern: it can be important when we’re planning events, choosing when to make a journey, setting our home heating etc. And it’s likely to become more important as the probability of of extreme weather conditions increases with climate change. In the workshop we’ll consider the best ways to present the increasingly complex information that meteorologists can generate to the general public.

The day is part of the programme of events within the Department’s AHRC-funded research network, LUCID.