Our heartiest congratulations to Mais Iflaifel who have had multiple successes recently!
Mais successfully defended her PhD thesis at the end of May 2021. Mais’ thesis is entitled: “Understanding safety differently: developing a model of intravenous insulin infusions use in hospital inpatients.”
Mais was also one of four finalist for the University of Reading PhD researcher of the year award in 2021. She was the Agriculture, Food and Health Research Theme winner. See this link for more information: http://www.reading.ac.uk/graduateschool/events/gs-DoctoralResearchConference2021.aspx
To hear more about Mais’ work and her other successes, watch her present her work in this year’s Doctoral Research Conference Doctoral Research Conference 2021 – YouTube(timestamp 10:53 onwards)
Four of her five peer-reviewed publications are now published, with the fifth forthcoming. All these papers are freely accessible except one – if you require access to any of these papers, please do not hesitate to contact Mais (M.H.M.Iflaifel@pgr.reading.ac.uk)
- Iflaifel, M., Lim, R. H., Crowley, C., Greco, F., Ryan, K. and Iedema, R. (2021) Modelling the use of variable rate intravenous insulin infusions in hospitals by comparing Work as Done with Work as Imagined. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. ISSN 1934-8150doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.06.008
- Iflaifel, M., Lim, R., Crowley, C., Ryan, K.and Greco, F. (2021) A detailed analysis of ‘Work As Imagined’ in the use of intravenous insulin infusions in a hospital: a hierarchical task analysis. BMJ Open, 11 (3). e041848. ISSN 2044-6055 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041848
- Iflaifel, M., Lim, R. H., Ryan, K. and Crowley, C. (2020) Resilient health care: a systematic review of conceptualisations, study methods and factors that develop resilience. BMC Health Services Research, 20. 324. ISSN 1472-6963 doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05208-3
- Iflaifel, M. H., Lim, R., Ryan, K., Crowley, C. and Iedema, R. (2019) Understanding safety differently: developing a model of resilience in the use of intravenous insulin infusions in hospital in-patients – a feasibility study protocol. BMJ Open, 9 (7). e029997. ISSN 2044-6055 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029997
Mais is supervised by Dr Rosemary Lim (RSoP), Dr Clare Crowley (Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr Fran Greco (RSop). Mais was previously supervised by Prof Kath Ryan (Emeritus Professor, RSoP) and also received methodological support relating to Video Reflexive Ethnography, from Prof Rick Iedema (King’s College London), an early pioneer of the methodology. Mais’ PhD was funded by the University of Reading International Research Studentship.