This months student wellbeing blog is written by Alicia from Student Wellbeing Services. The blog explores #UniMentalHealthDay, support and looking after ourselves:
The University of Reading believes that everyone should have the same opportunities. We are a community that is understanding and open-minded and want to make sure that students feel they can access services and resources to support better self-care, good health, and wellbeing.
We can all experience emotional difficulties at some point, but this is not something to be ashamed of. On the contrary, when we are not feeling well, it is a sign that we need to do something differently, just like when we feel hungry, we know we need to eat something to restore our energy, the same for when we notice that we are out of balance.
We all have mental health, and it is helpful to increase our emotional literacy to express our feelings, understand our reactions and find ways to problem-solve difficulties. To maintain our physical and mental wellbeing, we need to look after ourselves. University Mental Health Day is an opportunity to raise awareness and increase the understanding that it enables us to take charge of our well-being and prevent problems if we look after ourselves.
To help you look after yourself, read the latest Life Tools blog ‘Be well and do well: Benefits of self-care – which remind us of the benefit of looking after ourselves to do well and keep well.
Understanding the importance of maintaining good mental health enables us to feel well, derive a sense of achievement. It also allows us to regulate our emotions so all students can engage in learning and thrive. Engaging in learning, being connected to a community, and having a sense of achievement contribute to developing a sense of wellbeing.
University Mental Health Day is also about understanding each other and each other’s mental health. Some students may be experiencing difficulties that can make it harder to engage in student life. We have a range of resources and services on campus for all students; these will allow us to better understand ourselves and each other.
We all can benefit from an external perspective when things are more difficult. Please see the resources available to you through the University:
- COVID-19 support line – 0118 214 7813 from 9.15am to 4.30 pm on weekdays.
- The Student Welfare Team – 0118 378 4777 /
- The Counselling & Wellbeing Team – 0118 378 4216 /
- Supporting our Students (SoS)
- Togetheall
- Student Space
- The Disability Advisory Service
- RUSU Welfare Directory
- RUSU Advice Service
- The International Student Advisory Team – / / +44(0)118 378 8038
- The Student Financial Support Team – 0118 378 5555 / Book an appointment.
- NHS self-help guides
- Life Tools
- Essentials – Supporting You