Introducing your new Library Study Space Assistants… and other important updates for the summer term

Library building

We hope you found some time to relax over the Easter vacation. 

We’re looking forward to continuing to support all students this summer term, whether you’re on campus or studying remotely. Remember our expert teams, including Academic Liaison LibrariansStudy Advice and Maths Support are all available to provide advice and support online. 

If you’re studying on campus this term, we’ve summarised some important developments for you to be aware of when visiting our building.  

New Library Study Space Assistants 

We’ve recruited a team of 10 current students as our new Study Space Assistants to help keep you and our colleagues safe this summer term. They’ll be available to help you find your pre-booked seat, provide advice about alternative study space at busy times, and ensure you’re aware of the safety measures currently in place (see below). You’ll notice them in Study@URS too. 

Keeping our Library safe for everyone – what you need to know

Remember hands, face, space to keep all Library members and staff safe

While the positive progress of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown is welcome news, it’s vital that we do not become complacent and risk a worsening of the pandemic in the UK. We all have a role to play to take the necessary precautions to keep those around us as safe as possible.

In the Library, as well as our usual ‘Code of Conduct’, you must: 

  • wear a face covering at all times, even when sitting at a desk and studying alone, unless you are exempt;  
  • keep a 2 metre distance from others (this includes those from your own household when using the Library, to help us enforce these rules with minimum intervention);  
  • take the stairs rather than the lift, where possible (if you need to use the lift, you must use it alone); 
  • sit in your allocated seat only; 
  • vacate your pre-booked seat promptly at the end of the period for which it has been booked; 
  • follow all one-way systems;  


  • bring your Campus Card and keep it on your desk so it is visible to staff, this will help them check you are sat in your booked seat without interrupting you 

We would like to thank all of you who have been continuing to follow these rules to help protect us all. 

If, however, a member of staff or one of our Study Space Assistants notices that you are not following these rules, they will let you know and you will be asked for your details. If this is the first time you have been spoken to, we will record your details but no further action will be taken – we understand that accidental lapses happen from time to time.  You will be given a short letter to explain why your details have been taken. 

If you breach the rules a second time during the current academic year, we will issue a formal warning in accordance with our Student Disciplinary Procedures. If your details are taken for a third time, you will be issued with a fine of up to £200 (again, in line with our Student Disciplinary Procedures). For further incidents, a higher fine or other penalty (such as a ban from the Library) may be imposed. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. We wish you every success for the summer term ahead.  

Your Library Team

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