Exam preparation from Life Tools

Text: Life Tools. University of Reading.

Preparing for exams? Life Tools is here to help!

Check out these tips from Life Tools for ways to keep motivated and keep well during the exam period: 

  • Prepare your mindset: when your thoughts run ahead, focusing on possible adverse outcomes, bring your attention back to the present. Often, our expectations increase tension – “it is too difficult”, “I cannot do well enough”, etc.  Instead, keep in mind you are capable of learning and view difficulties as challenges that can be overcome. Break the tasks down into small steps and work on one step at a time.
  • Focus on learning: rather than thinking about results, be curious about what you are learning. It will help to increase concentration and help to maintain motivation.
  • Plan to revise each day: if you miss a day, get started soon as you can, even if you only do 10 minutes, and continue revising the next day. Remind yourself that it is a challenge and that what counts is to keep going. Regular practice boost confidence in our skills. 
  • Create a daily routine: identify a flexible pattern that includes periods of focused time and insert short breaks. Allow time to look after yourself: maintain healthy habits to keep well so that you have the strength to persevere with your efforts. 

    The Life Tools programme is a series of free talks designed by experts to help you enhance your student experience. For more practical advice on a range of different topics, check out the Life Tools page on Essentials for the full list of upcoming talks and webinars.
The Life Tools programme can provide you with the knowledge and strategies to succeed in personal, academic and professional life. Watch the video above to find out more.

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