Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

Click on tabs below to view how radiative performance can vary within a tree species when the factors below change:

Solar Altitude
Solar Altitude

“Tree crown transflectance increases as solar altitude rises”


Further Results

Leaf Miner
Leaf Miner

  • Horse chestnut leaf-miner is a small moth with caterpillars that feed inside horse chestnut leaves, causing brown or white blotch mines to develop between the leaf veins


  • Brown or white blotch mines of Horse chestnut leaves degrade infrared transflectance over 700 – 800 nm



“The presence of horse chestnut leaf-miner leads to the development of blotch mines on leaves, which degrade radiative performance” 
