Bird of Interest 6 – Common Treecreeper

The common treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), is an unobtrusive little woodland bird. The Treecreeper is easily overlooked as it creeps up tree trunks, probing the bark for insects and spiders with its needle-like bill. The spiky tail is used as a support when climbing. Typically, the treecreeper feeds by spiralling round and up a tree trunk, then dropping down to the base of an adjacent tree to repeat the process.

The adults have streaked brown upperparts and silvery-white underparts that are subtly suffused with buff towards the rear of the flanks. The treecreeper is a rather sedentary resident bird, which favours deciduous and mixed woodlands, although it is sometimes encountered in mature conifer plantations too. The species is widespread generally, although absent from upland/northern districts of the UK.

The easiest way to locate a treecreeper in an area of woodland is to listen for its thin but distinctive, high-pitched tseert call.

Reference List:

  • Sterry.P., (2004) Collins Complete Guide to British Birds. Harper Collins Publishing Ltd, London.


About Thomas Whitlock

I'm a third student at the University of Reading, currently studied for a degree in Zoology. I have a wide interest in biodiversity, most notably British wildlife. I have an especial interest in British mammals and birds. I hope to become a wildlife cameraman or photographer after I graduate, and I feel that blogging will be a key component of any future job in Zoology. This is my first blog, so please be kind!
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