Tag Archives: Reading University Herbarium

First field trip to Morocco

I will focus upon the taxonomy of Narcissus sections Apodanthi and Jonquillae during my PhD project. I started in January and since members of the genus are almost entirely spring flowering, so I had to organise fieldwork rather quickly in … Continue reading

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Herbarium RNG Questionnaire

I am a third year undergraduate student at the University of Reading, reading for a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences. My third year project aims to evaluate the current Herbarium RNG website, analyse other Herbaria websites, and subsequently redesign the Herbarium … Continue reading

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Mountain plants of southern South America

From Mary T. Kalin Arroyo: Over the period 16-17 September 2013 I had the pleasure to work in the herbarium at the University of Reading. My mission was to track down herbarium specimens collected in Tierra del Fuego by Dr. … Continue reading

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