We the Humanities

This week PhD student Evan Hayles Gledhill is the guest curator on the ‘We the Humanities’ Twitter feed, @wethehumanities . Every week, someone from a different school of humanities based research takes over the account and leads discussions, and shares information about their field and their research within it.

This project was founded by Reading graduate, Dr Jessica Sage, who currently works as a Research Associate at the University of Newcastle and current PhD candidate Krissie West of the English Department. We the Humanities is an online project designed to spread the diversity and value of the humanities. The twitter feed starts and maintains connections and discussions across a broad range of topics with a wide-range of humanities-based researchers across the globe.

I am going to be discussing balancing part-time study with work, and access to study for those with chronic long term conditions and disabilities, as well as research-based topics about literature and film texts. I am a gothicist, so there will also be lots of the spooky! Please do come and find us on Twitter, and join in the discussions.



About Cindy

Associate Professor in the Department of English Literature at the University of Reading. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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