The Professional Track ceremony

Lucy Stone writes:

The Professional Track has grown into a scheme which is embedded across the School of Literature and Language, with students from all Departments getting involved.

In 2016-7 we ran 10 different professional courses, welcomed 10 external speakers and supported 80 academic placements, which resulted in over 40% of the student population in the School involved.

It’s fair to say it’s been a brilliantly busy year.

This year, the event to celebrate the fantastic achievement of all students who have completed the Professional Track is split into two parts; the first of which is happening on Friday 12th May.

This week I’ve been preparing for ceremony, and thinking about what workplace skills are important.

If you’d like to take a peek into my day, read on…

 A day in the life of a Professional Track Facilitator:

7.30am: I leave home. I lift share with a colleague from my old office, which is great as it helps me save money on petrol, and I get someone to talk to.

8.15am: Arrive at the office, say good morning to the cleaner as I wrestle with huge bags through the door to the office. I’ve been getting supplies for the ceremony.

8.30am: I cannot function until I’ve had my breakfast. It’s far too early for me to eat when I wake up, so I’m always ready for breakfast, whilst I check my emails, by the time I arrive at work. Sarah, my colleague arrives at this time too, so we all always have a quick debrief in the morning. Collaboration is really important, and I know I’m lucky that Sarah is always keen to help with any ideas and queries.

9.00am: This week I’m preparing for the first Professional Track ceremony, which is on Friday, and there’s plenty to be done. This year we’ve got about 30 students who have completed the scheme, and so we’re having two ceremonies rather than one! I start by printing off the award certificates.

11.00am: Meeting with my manager, Cindy. We talk through strategy, and the plan of action for Friday night. I give her a copy of the ceremonial booklet for her to proof read.

1.00pm: I’ve got a student dropping by my office soon to chat about final preparations for Friday. I put the kettle on in readiness.

3.00pm: This afternoon I’m making a note of everything I need to have ready for Friday night. I’ve updated the booklet now, and the catering has been confirmed – just need students and the night to arrive!

4.00pm: Check emails, and find that another student has confirmed they can attend. I fire off a thankful reply and mentally plan what I’m going to focus on tomorrow.

4.30pm: The day is over…only four more days until the ceremony.


About Cindy

Associate Professor in the Department of English Literature at the University of Reading. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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