Neil Cocks is running barefoot.

This would make an excellent title for an academic novel, but in this case we mean it literally.

Neil Cocks is running the Oxfordshire Three Spires Challenge half-marathon in his bare feet to raise money for the Ollie Young foundation, a charity that we feel a strong connection to because of  Jean Call’s work.

If you would like to support Neil in his fundraising, you can donate through his Justgiving page.

(I’m sure donations of blister cream and plasters will be welcome too.)

About English Literature at Reading

The Department of English Literature at Reading has been an internationally recognised centre for research and teaching in English Studies for over a hundred years. Our teaching system, with its emphasis on seminars and tutorial work, encourages our students to discuss ideas with tutors and other students in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. All of our students have access to dedicated study advisors; our academic placement scheme and 'professional track' programme provide invaluable preparation for subsequent careers.
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