Tag Archives: Science in Culture

Science in Culture module wins University Award

We are delighted to announce that the new third-year module on Science in Culture, run jointly by English Literature and the School of Biological Sciences, has won a University Collaborative Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning. John Holmes … Continue reading

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Podcast of John Holmes’ latest public event

Dr John Holmes & Lesley Saunders From Microscopes to Cloud Cameras: the Poetry of Science   A podcast of this event, at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford, can be found here:   http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/events/podcasts/  

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Cultivating Common Ground

Professor Karin Lesnik-Oberstein writes: The workshop for ‘Cultivating Common Ground’ took place on Wednesday July 18th 2012 in the Henley Business School on Whiteknights campus of the University of Reading. The organisers of the project (project lead Professor Nick Battey, … Continue reading

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Dr John Holmes: AHRC Fellowship Science in Culture

  I have been working for just over a year now on science and the Pre-Raphaelites, and I’ve just been awarded an AHRC Fellowship under the heading of ‘Science in Culture’ to spend next year working on this project. Critics … Continue reading

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Science in Culture inter-disciplinary research project

The Arts and Humanities Research Council has awarded funding under its ‘Science in Culture’ initiative for an inter-disciplinary research project at Reading called ‘Cultivating Common Ground: Biology and the Humanities’, led by Professor Nick Battey (Biology), with co-investigators Dr David … Continue reading

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