Author: Liz Stephens
A few thank yous:
- To everyone who has provided me with updates for the Researchfish reporting. This has now been submitted.
- To everyone for sending me their abstracts for the Adaptation Futures FbF session in Cape Town
- To Joy for taking on the significant task of managing the hotel and flight bookings for the Nairobi meeting next week, and our project meeting in June.
An update:
- We have now made an offer to a candidate for the Work Package 4 post doc position. I believe that they will start in June so you will all have the opportunity to meet them at the project meeting.
- We have two new PhD students at Reading who are working on SHEAR-related topics. Siobhan Dolan is looking at forecasting landslides, and Sazzad Hossain on forecasting floods in Bangladesh (he has already been linking with the FbF project there as part of his role at the Bangladesh Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre).
- The SHEAR knowledge brokers have set up a ‘SLACK’ account to help with collaborative working. This is an online platform where you can join discussion groups on a number of topics. Please anticipate an invitation to this at some point soon. I would expect at least all of the early-career researchers to join up.
- Following on from Beauty Shamboko attending the FATHUM Kick-off meeting in July 2017, we are now helping Zambia WARMA to use the Global Flood Awareness System for their monthly hydrological outlooks.
Coming up…
- Liz (Reading), Sara (Oxford), Emily W (ODI), Joy (SU), Rui (UDM), Chris and Harriet (Makerere), as well as the Climate Centre team and Red Cross representatives will be together in Nairobi next week for the first Africa FbF Dialogue Platform meeting. You can follow the meeting on twitter @AfricaFbF18
- To improve collaboration across the Work Packages I will be leading monthly progress calls at 2pm UK time on the first Thursday of every month, beginning Thursday April 5th.
- At least one person from each organisation should join the call.
- During these calls everyone will have an opportunity to report on their activities over the previous month, and their key plans for the next month.
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