Reading PhD researcher participates in United Nations event: ‘Global Compact+15: Business as a Force for Good’, 23-25 June 2015

Marking the UN Global Compact’s 15th anniversary, Global Compact +15, a three-day event taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York, will bring business and civil society to the United Nations to show how the private sector is taking action and partnering to advance societal priorities.

A number of focused meetings on subjects including human rights and labour, children’s rights, anti-corruption and UN-business partnerships will be convened over the course of the first two days, culminating on the final day with an interactive round table discussion held in the UN’s General Assembly Hall.

lorenzo todorow pic

Reading PhD researcher Lorenzo Todorow di San Giorgio (Henley Business School) will be participating in the discussions regarding how to contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Lorenzo’s role will be as an academic expert and advisor on multi-stakeholder dialogue initiatives, which are one of the core activities of the Global Compact.  These sessions will be a unique gathering of all participants and special guests who will join together seeking to demonstrate to Governments, the private sector’s critical role in solving our world’s greatest challenges and show how the Global Compact’s work is central to the United Nations agenda.

Lorenzo’s doctoral research focuses on stakeholder dialogues and has already involved data collection and analysis of two multi-stakeholder dialogue initiatives organised by the UNGlobal Compact (UNGC) and the UN Principle for Responsible Investment (PRI) as part of the “Business for peace in conflict affected areas” project.  The results of his analysis have been shared at the Annual International Conference of the UNGC held in Istanbul in September 2014.

Induction event for new doctoral researchers

Induction event for all new doctoral researchers (April 2015 starters)

Wednesday 29 April 2015, 10.00-11.30
Graduate School (Old Whiteknights House) room G09

An essential event for new doctoral research students, this will provide you with an introduction to what you need to know about academic life during your time at Reading, including information on:
• What you can expect from the University Graduate School and what we will expect from you
• Training requirements (RRDP)
• Personal development events
This is also an opportunity for you to meet other new doctoral researchers from across the University.
Attendance is highly recommended.

Please email if you plan on attending.

Please note if you started your doctoral studies between October 2014 and the present, but missed the October 2014/January 2015 induction events, you can also attend.