The University is participating in a national survey to gather the views of doctoral researchers on their experience while studying at the University of Reading. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is an opportunity for our students to feed back on what they think the University is doing well and on areas in which we could do better.
All of our current doctoral researchers will have received an email from Chris Robson inviting them to take part in the survey and providing a PRES username and password.
Information about PRES
PRES (along with the equivalent for Taught students, PTES) is coordinated by the Higher Education Academy across over 100 universities and is a national survey of postgraduate students inviting them to comment on their course and experience. The questionnaires take around 15-20 minutes to complete.
Students are strongly encouraged to take part in the survey as it gives them a chance to pass on their thoughts about their programme and studies. The survey data is treated anonymously and will be aggregated to ensure that feedback can be frank and honest. However, students are provided with a username to ensure that only those currently registered can complete the surveys.
With over 100 universities and colleges taking part in PRES, feedback is used to compare the experience of our students with the experience of doctoral researchers at other institutions. The University will be using the findings to improve our provision and the learning experience for future students.
The survey asks about areas such as: motivations for taking the programme, depth of learning, organisation, and professional development. It also includes several questions about issues that are particularly relevant to students at Reading.
Action for our doctoral researchers
You should already (on either the 16th or 17th April) have received an email with a link to the PRES questionnaire. You simply need to click on the link and enter your username and password (also in the email) and then complete the online form. The PRES survey will be open until 14 May.
If you are a currently registered doctoral researcher and have not received your email invitation to PRES, please contact Chris Robson (