It’s the write stuff

The Hub is celebrating its successful move to London Road by staging a celebration of reading in Reading on February 27th called A Novel Night. This session will involve looking back at a key event in the history of the NCLL; on Friday the 10th October 1997, the Reading Weekend POST ran an article entitled: ‘It’s the write stuff’ based on a visit by Ian Beck and organised by Prue Goodwin, who included a mock book award session.

On the evening of February 27th Ian Beck will be back at the University to launch the Learning Hub, and will be interviewed by Prue Goodwin, regarding this past event and the changes in reading and Reading since 1997, Prue will again stage a mock book award session.

Amongst the guest list will be many literacy heroes.

There will also be a display of archive material relating to Betty Root, the founder of the NCLL in 1967 with original letters and illustrations from many famous writers and illustrators.

We predict that this will be a very popular evening and tickets are limited. If you wish to attend please contact Karen ( for more details.


teddy robber

Research Excellence Framework results a “Triumph for the IoE.”


Professor Andy Goodwyn, Head of the Institute of Education, has described today’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) results as: “A real triumph for the IoE that everyone can be intensely proud of.”

REF is a quality measure of universities’ research, and these 2014 results reveal very high ratings for the Education submission, to the delight of the Institute.

Professor Goodwyn continues; “I wish to thank Professor Suzanne Graham for her superb leadership of our research.”

Suzanne Graham, Professor of Language and Education at the Institute of Education, here highlights the outstanding features of the results for the Institute:

  • Our national ranking was 18th (compared with 34th in 2008), which places us in the top quartile of Education submissions nationally.
  • Our overall Grade Point Average  was 3.04.
  • Over 80%  of our  submitted research publications were judged to be world-leading or internationally excellent,  placing us 9th  for research outputs in the national rankings.
  • We also scored highly in Impact, with 53% of submitted work assessed as 4* (world-leading).  For Environment, 76% of our submission was judged to be at 3 or 4* level.

Professor Graham adds; “I hope everyone at the IoE is as pleased as I am – we have a great deal to be very proud of here. Best wishes and thank you to everyone – we have all contributed in some way to this outcome.”

Professor Steve Mithen, Deputy Vice-Chancellor  praises the excellence of the results and the hard work that has gone into them: “The REF results confirm that we have world-leading strengths across a very wide range of disciplines,”  he comments. “A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in the REF process over the last few years for all your hard work and the support you have provided to one another. We are a research-led institution and we should all be proud of the depth and breadth of our outstanding research offering, which has an impact on policy, practice and everyday life in the UK and internationally.”

Read a summary of the University of Reading REF results here.

University of Reading, Institute of Education, London Road Campus, 4 Redlands Road, Reading, RG1 5EX 

Teacher Recruitment Fair 2015: an unmissable opportunity


The Teacher Recruitment Fair on 8th January 2015 is an opportunity-packed event, filled with fantastic future employers who are recruiting for people like you: IoE students who will qualify with NQT status. You are warmly invited to Room G03/GO4 in L22 (London Road campus) to meet and greet some of their industry’s most interesting players, including:

Enquiries: Amanda Clutson on or 0118 378 8359.


Heike wins prestigious Raymond Wilson Poetry Prize with ‘I Am The Love For You’

Heike Poetry Winner 2014This autumn saw the University of Reading presenting its annual children’s poetry competition in honour of the brilliant educationalist Raymond Wilson (1925-1995), former Emeritus Professor of Education at the University.

After much deliberation over a very impressive standard of entries, the judges announced a winner: Heike Bruton. Heike is a full-time first year PhD student at the Institute of Education, where she also works part-time as a Research Assistant.

“I’m absolutely delighted that my poem ‘I am the love for you’ was chosen as the winning entry,” says Heike. “Thank you so much to Raymond Wilson and his family for donating this prize!”

Raymond Wilson was an exceptional educationalist, as well as an inspired editor who introduced new editions of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poetry and Jane Austen’s novels. Wilson was also well-known as an intuitive, sensitive critic and a prolific anthologist.

I am the love for you

When you are feeling sad I hold you tight

You may not see me but I’m always true

When life feels as if no one’s on your side

My darling child I am the love for you


When things get tough and effort seems in vain

I know that you can do it come what may

When you don’t ever want to try again

I pick you up and set you on your way


When down your face stream waterfalls of tears

I softly dry them with a gentle kiss

When something stops you conquering your fears

I guide you by the hand from the abyss


I’m all around you, I will keep you strong

For now, tomorrow, and for everlong.

By Heike Bruton