Wondering where any reference books you used to find in our Ground Floor ‘Knowledge Exchange’ might have gone? We recently integrated non-loan, ex-Ground Floor Reference items into our main collections, beside loanable books, across all subject floors according to their individual Call Number:
- science and life sciences to the 2nd Floor (Call Numbers 000s, 500s, 600s)
- arts and humanities to the 3rd Floor (Call Numbers 200s, 400s, 700s, 800s)
- social sciences to the 4th Floor (Call Numbers 300s, 900s)
To find any particular title, just search for its new floor location on our Enterprise catalogue.
The Library also provides you with a range of prestigious online resources. See our Online dictionaries and encyclopedias page or search for titles in our Enterprise catalogue.
Rachel Redrup, Marketing Co-ordiator