Our Library building refurbishment has now progressed, with demolition of the stairs behind the existing lifts beginning this month. You may experience construction noise, despite the acoustic partitions that have been put in place to help reduce the volume. Here is our advice on how you can still get to upper Library floors and find alternative, quieter study space.
How do I get to upper floors?

Say goodbye to the staircase behind existing lifts!
Although we will no longer be able to use the stairs behind our existing lifts, access will be maintained to two lifts until our new lifts are ready. The big central staircase leading up from the main hall remains our main stairs, with other stairs around the edges of the building available for emergency evacuation.
Where can I find quieter study space?
This phase of construction will sometimes involve noisy or disruptive works. Please make use of the quiet and silent study space in the Library@URS building next door, as well as the variety of alternative study space options across campus. For more see ‘The latest on student study space’ (Student Services news, 31 October 2018) or Transform 2026: Study space update (UoR staff portal news, 31 October 2018).
More on Library refurb
Demolishing this staircase will create space for print hubs on every floor and a silent study PC area on the 5th Floor. Find out more about the project on our Library refurbishment webpage.
Katie Winter, Marketing Assistant
and University Communications