Monthly Archives: July 2012

Finishing the cleaning phase and welcoming the first visitors

We’ve come to the end of a very successful first week! The over-night rain really helped ease the cleaning back of the site, and the students and volunteers sped through the last few metres, which was much easier on the … Continue reading

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Cleaning back – finds from all periods

It’s now Thursday and the dig has well and truly got underway. The whole trench has been stripped, students and volunteers have arrived and we’re cleaning back the site. As the spoil came off with the digger we had the … Continue reading

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Breaking ground on Tayne Field

The dig has begun! On Saturday the team began to arrive at the campsite to set up for the six weeks ahead, and spent a sunny afternoon and a surprisingly cold first night camping for the first time since 2010. … Continue reading

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Adventures with geophysics, and only a week to go until the dig commences!

Time is flying by and in just under a week the excavations on Tayne Field will begin. Volunteers and students are starting from Wednesday 25thJuly, but the core team will be turning up this weekend to start opening the trench … Continue reading

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British Archaeology Awards: the results are in

Welcome to the first major instalment of the blog that will follow the Lyminge Archaeology project! We’ve had a very busy few weeks since hearing that we’ve been granted AHRC funding for three years’ work within the village, continuing our … Continue reading

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British Archaeology Awards

The project has been shortlisted in the category of Best Archaeological Project at the British Archaeology Awards! The winner will be announced this afternoon at the British Museum – and we are up against some worthy and significant competition. Good … Continue reading

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Welome to the new blog for the Lyminge Archaeological Project!

Welcome to the new blog for the Lyminge Archaeological project. There are now only two weeks to go until fieldwork begins in the first of three seasons of AHRC funded excavation. If you are interested in taking part, you can … Continue reading

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